Custom Framed Prints

Custom Framed Prints

A beautifully framed image will make your house a home, and it is also an amazing gift! Images are professionally retouched with premium enhancement and will undergo an extra round of post-production (adjustments to lighting, colors, etc) as well as retouching if needed.

Images are printed on Lustre paper with the option to upgrade to Fine Art Printing. Our framed prints come in a variety of unique finishes to choose from and are complete with acrylic and ready-to-hang mounting. You may upgrade to having your image matted with a white mat. Unless a matted option is chosen, your framed print will be delivered in a beautifully constructed frame the same size as your selected image (edge to edge, no mat).

8x10, 8x12, 11x14, 12x12, 16x20, 20x20, 20x30, 24x36

How to Order
To place your Framed Print order, please visit your event gallery (available once logged in), select the appropriate image, and choose the Framed Prints tab from the product options available. From there, you will be able to select your preferred sizing and frame choice for your framed print.


Frame Options

Classic Wood

Flat Black Wood

1.125" frame

Box Black Wood

0.75" frame

Flat Walnut Wood

1.125" frame

Box Walnut Wood

0.75" frame

Flat White Wood

1.125" frame

Box White Wood

0.75" frame

Rustic Wood

Natural Barnwood

2.25" frame

Whitewashed Barnwood

2.25" frame

Whitewashed Barnwood With Cap

2.55" frame

Gallery Style

Americana Elegance Silver

1.625" Frame

Modern Grain & Gold

.75" frame

Modern Mid-Century Oak

.875" Frame

Modern Mid-Century Walnut

.875" frame

Silver Modern

2.5" frame

Gold Modern

2.5" frame

Additional Details

Framed prints 11x14" and 12x14" or smaller include a sawtooth hanger. Framed prints large than these sizes are finished with a wire hanger. Frames made from wood mouldings also feature a black paper backing.

Prints are mounted on a 1/4" foam board before framing.

Sawtooth Hanger

Wire Hanger

Polar White Mat

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